The Startup Magazine Creating a Productive Workspace: Essential Tips for Startups

Startup owners know how important it is to have a productive workforce. But did you know that it partially depends on your workspace? The more worker-friendly your workspace is, the more productive your employees will be.

productive workspace

But how do you attain it? Below, we have discussed a few ways to create a productive workspace. Take a look.

Creating clear zones for different work functions

One of the biggest mistakes startups make is that they focus too much on open workspace and place all departments and functions together. Meetings and collaborations require lots of private communication and require separate space. It’s impossible to concentrate on a meeting with the rest of the office around you. At the same time, spaces for relaxation and lunch can’t be around the high-functioning part of the workplace. Create separate zones for each so the employees can utilize them for maximum output.

Setting up ergonomic office furniture

Your employees will likely spend many hours at their desks, so it’s important to get them ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic chairs and adjustable desks support proper posture, which reduces the strain on the shoulders, neck, and back. Neglecting proper posture can create chronic conditions in your employees and have long-term effects. Using ergonomic furniture helps retain comfort and makes your employees more productive.

Implementing open-plan layouts for collaboration

An open-plan layout removes the distance and physical barriers between team members. It allows open discussions, idea-sharing, and problem-solving and leads to agility and faster decision-making. With open-plan layouts, team members feel more connected to each other, and the practice fosters a sense of belongingness.

But just like everything else, open-plan layouts should be planned with moderation. The employees should have access to private zones for meetings and important projects that require concentration so that the open office doesn’t hinder their progress or create a diversion.

Incorporating wellness zones for breaks

Employees need a break between long working hours. Going out every few hours can be counterproductive, so as a startup owner, you should arrange a designated space that the employees can use to unwind. This space should be separate from the main office area and come with amenities, such as snacks, comfortable seating, and a relaxing atmosphere. You can also create a zone for light workouts or meditation or have a sports room where employees can have fun and release stress. These amenities can help prevent burnout and rejuvenate your employees.

Using professional office cleaning services for cleanliness and hygiene

Cleanliness affects productivity. Your employees will perform better if they have a clean, clutter-free workplace instead of a dirty and unorganized one. Hiring a professional cleaning service can make the job easier for you.

“Hiring a commercial cleaning service allows your employees to focus on their workplace performance instead of moonlighting as commercial office cleaners. You hired your employees to do a specific job, and you want them to get that job done without having to maintain the cleanliness of your business offices,” says a representative of Compass Cleaning Solutions, a Phoenix-based commercial cleaning service. The practice boosts productivity and helps employees focus more on work and less on cleaning. Plan at least one deep cleaning every two months for the best outcome.

Decluttering digital spaces for efficiency

Just like the physical environment of the office, the digital space also needs to be in order so that the employees can retain their productivity. Startups and new-era businesses have most of their work in digital formats or cloud spaces. Create separate drives for each department so that files don’t get mixed up. Label every file and folder so the employees don’t have to search for them and lose precious time. Archive old documents and provide easy access. Delete files and folders that you don’t need. Looking for an important document during an emergency can hamper productivity and cause significant stress on an employee.

Creating dedicated meeting spaces

You should hold meetings in private for two reasons. One, the meeting attendees should not feel disrupted due to the presence of the whole office around them. And two, the rest of the team shouldn’t have to stay cautious because an important meeting is happening in the middle of their workspace. Meeting attendees need total concentration to make the meetings successful, so create a separate zone for them. Outside vendors can also come to your office for meetings, so having a separate zone is mandatory.

Enhancing office aesthetics with plants and artwork

Office ambiance indirectly influences your mood. You shouldn’t focus on creating a stellar interior if you’re low on budget. But you can still make your office look nice with plants and artwork. Make sure to bring low-maintenance plants so that your employees or the admin staff don’t have to spend a lot of time taking care of them. The artwork should be appropriate for the work setting and go with your company’s values and brand image.

Introducing flexible workstations

People need change to sustain, and this applies to workstations as well. Having a fixed desk at the office is a thing of the past, so you might want to introduce flexible workstations. It allows the employees to sit wherever they feel comfortable. They get to share tables with different people, and it helps them become comfortable with the whole office.

Prioritizing lighting and ventilation for comfort

Just like ergonomic furniture and aesthetics, lighting and ventilation are important. Lack of proper lighting can strain the eyes. Lack of ventilation can hamper natural airflow and cause various health problems and discomfort, including the risk of infection. Ensure enough light and ventilation in the workspace to give your employees the best work experience.

Creating a proper workplace can make or break your employee’s productivity and affect your employees in the long run. You don’t have to spend a fortune to transform your office and have a productive workspace with some creativity.

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